grandview reminiscences

memories of grandview residents

Laura Walcutt Karns

That old House

"The three-story limestone house at 1800 Goodale Blvd. was my home. It was built by my parents C.H. Walcutt and Janette Walcutt, in 1901. At that time the land was part of Columbus but was later incorporated into Grandview Heights..."

Alleyne Higgs Jones

Higgs Family Memories

"My mother, Pleasant Johnson Barton, was from a line of Johnsons; Isaac Johnson, her grandfather, was a well-to-do (I think) man. I really knew very little about Mother's life because she never talked to me, and very little to Dad..."

helen Louise pinney Perrine

Earliest Memories

"I was born March 28, 1913. I lived in Grandview, a suburb of Columbus. My parents were Mable Alice Pinney and Joseph B. Pinney. I had an adopted sister, Mary. I was also adopted, although somewhere during my growing up I forgot that fact..."

Bradley Skeele

the hodgepodge notes of bradley skeele

"Thursday Aug. 26, 1965 It has occurred to me I might get a certain amount of pleasure by writing to myself a sort of disconnected but continuing letter. Whether I ever read it myself or anyone dear to me ever does, is purely incidental..."

caroline thomas harnsberger

The Life and Times of James Oscar Thomas

"In 1906, Pop made his decision to try his hand at farming. He and Mom made plans with an architect to build a two-story, four-bedroom, cement block house. It became a show-place at a cost of $10,000, and by October 1906, we were able to move into it..."

Frank 'Dude' higgs

Local Hero of a Distant War

Frank L."Dude" Higgs spent only about two months between 1937 and 1945 on his native soil. The rest of the time he was on the other side of the world teaching Chinese pilots to fly and flying himself as chief pilot for the Chinese National Air Corporation (CNAC).