February, 2012 - August, 2012
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August, 2011 - February, 2012
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Ralph Salzgaber | |
Ralph E. Salzgaber (1920-1993), a life-long resident of Grandview Heights, led a drive to purchase a replica of the Liberty Bell for the community. Ralph served several terms as a city councilman and one term as treasurer of the city of Grandview Heights; he was a veteran of World War II service with the Army Finance Corps in North Africa; he was a retired lieutenant colonel in the U.S. Army Reserves; and he was the recipient of six Freedom Foundation Awards from the Feedoms Foundation of Valley Forge for patriotism programs he presented in area schools. Perhaps Ralph's greatest contribution to Grandview Heights and the local community was his volunteer work as the Chairman of the Bicentennial Committee in 1975 and 1976. Through his efforts, Grandview Heights was designated as a Bicentennial Community by the American Revolution Bicentennial Administration. During the Bicentennial Commemoration important historical documents were collected and the history of Grandview Heights was updated. The full size replica of the Liberty Bell was purchased as a lasting memorial monument commemorating Grandview's participation in the Bicentennial Program, it can be found in the lobby of the Marble Cliff City Hall. | |
1992 Education Foundation Gala Invitation | |
You were invited in 1992! January 28, 2012 was the 20th anniversary of the Grandview Heights/Marble Cliff Education Foundation Gala. Dr. Ted Knapke, former Grandview Heights Schools Superintendent, along with Rick Ross, attorney specializing in education law, initiated the idea of GH/MC Education Foundation. Paul Panzera, owner of Paul's Restaurant, suggested making it a winter gala event open to the public to include a gourmet dinner, live music and a silent auction. The first board of trustees included: Randy Bobbitt, Chet Brett, Curtis Gantz, Beth Klitch, Paul Panzera, Sally Kosnik, Bill Arthur, Barb Radabaugh, Roger Alban with Ted Knapke and Rick Ross as ex officio members. The Education Foundation has awarded grants in excess of $375,000 that have improved the education of the children throughout the community. Some of grants: audio enhancement systems for primary and intermediate classrooms, high school auditorium renovation, books for three school libraries, F.I.R.S.T. Robotics, Smart Boards in math and science, library iPad Integration, All Arts Day K-6 PTO and most recently, a STEM (science, technology, engineering, math) Center. | |
William and Jessie Merkle | |
Marble Cliff residents William J. and Ada Boyle Merkle had three sons and three daughters. Mr. Merkle and his daughter Jessie are shown riding their horses together in Florida. From 1910 to 1922 the Merkles lived in the home originally built by Silvio Casparis at 1539 Roxbury. It was later the convent on the property of Our Lady of Victory Catholic church. Mr. Merkle inherited the family business, which operated retail stores in many railroad terminals throughout the midwest. The Merkles often vacationed in Palm Beach, and had their Packard automobile and their horses shipped by rail so that they had them there. Mrs. Merkle was originally from Cincinnati and was the daughter of the secretary to Ohio Governor and U.S. President William McKinley. | |
Kerry Farrell | |
Melissa Harmon of Worthington High School had a fierce competitor for the District Gymnastics championship in 1988. After a spectacular junior year, Kerry Farrell of Grandview Heights High School Gymnastic team finished second in the District Meet behind the eventual State Champion Melissa Harmon, who would win five individual state titles in '88 and '89. Kerry won the District competition on the vault and in State competition was fourth place in vault, beam and exercise competition. Kerry went on in her Senior year to take fourth place in the 1989 State Gymnastics Meet. It was the highest finish for any Grandview gymnast in the school's history. In this picture Kerry shines for the Grandview Heights High School in 1989. | |
The Mascot | |
Charles "Chuck" Thackara was football coach at Grandview before and after WW II, his coaching career interrupted by a tour with the U.S. Navy. Charles "Todd" Hovermale (GHHS Class of 1957) was his first-born nephew and Thackara decided that he should somehow be on his team. Being too young at the time (two and a half years old) for a varsity position, he made Todd the team mascot. He came up with this uniform, which included shoulder pads and leather helmet to go along with the jersey and pants. The jersey number 2 1/2 on the back was chosen to match his age. Todd got to hang out with the cheerleaders during the game, but he was not all that happy with that and would cry. According to Todd, when he cried Grandview won the game. He said he always suspected that the cheerleaders might have pinched him a time or two to promote a cry and a win. | |
N.Y. Knicks' Ed Smith | |
Jeremy Lin mania is sweeping the country. He is the Harvard graduate basketball sensation currently making headlines playing for the New York Knicks basketball team. Interestingly, the first Harvard graduate to play for the Knicks was from Grandview, class of 1947 alumnus Ed Smith. He is #32 shown here and with the 1946-47 GHHS team. Ed was accepted at Harvard where he played basketball for the Harvard Crimson and was captain of the team during the 1950-1951 season. He was the first Harvard graduate selected by the New York Knicks in the first round (6th pick overall) during the 1951 NBA Draft. He played for the Knicks through the 1954 season. A recent article in NY Magazine featured Ed's story and can be read online here: http://nymag.com/daily/sports/2012/02/ed-smith-the-knicks-first-harvard-grad.html | |
Camelot | |
The selection of the cast for Camelot began the previous December for its performance in Spring of 1971. This was to be the first major production performed by the Grandview High School students in over five years and a major production it was. The crew was as large as the cast for elaborate scenes, and costumes were made by hand by parents volunteering to help. Other parents and teachers coordinated the groups of students. Three months of work climaxed with a two night performance. Camelot was a musical success that captured the audiences completely. Standing ovations were received both nights. The cast included twenty-two students headed by Joe Scono as Arthur, Diane Gross as Guenevere, Peggy Such as Lady Ann and John DiPietro as Lancelot. | |
Todd and John Hovermale | |
Charles William "Todd" Hovermale (right) joined the Grandview Heights fire department on New Years Day in1960. He went on to follow in his father John's (left) footsteps as fire chief in 1970. He retired in 1988 after 28 years of service. Todd (who was recently featured in a Moment in Time posing as the mascot of the GHHS football team as a toddler) was a resident of Grandview Heights and graduated from GHHS in 1957. After retiring he moved with his father to Louisiana and lived in a cabin he had built near Toledo Bend Lake. They remained there for five years until his father needed medical care, at which point they returned to Ohio. Todd now lives in Grove City, Ohio enjoying his hobbies of fishing,target shooting and walking in the hills of Rock House State Park. John and Todd are shown in this November, 1992 photo after both received the Medal of Merit award from the Grandview Fire Department. | |
Wallace Gardens | |
The victory is won, but the Wallace Gardens still grow in Grandview to the satisfaction of many who began them as a World War II necessity. Still located at the corner of Grandview Avenue and Goodale Boulevard, a variety of plots are available for Grandview gardeners. In 1941 Dana Reynolds and Chester Niple developed these plots for residents willing to bend and dig just as they did when Victory Gardens were a patriotic war effort, not just a hobby. The gardens are plowed and each gardener selects vegetables and/or flowers of their own choosing to grow. James Wallace, an Ohio State professor of agriculture, city treasurer, and retired executive of Ranco Inc., once said in 1972, "For me, it's barnyard golf. I swing a hoe instead of a club. That $6 for one greens fee gives me a whole year here." Wallace who was once concerned about the future of the gardens would find joy in knowing that residents can still contact Grandview Parks and Recreation to obtain their own plot for using their green thumb. | |
Midge Muhlbach | |
Amelia "Midge" Muhlbach was always fascinated with history. This interest carried over to her third grade students at Edison Elementary School. In the early seventies this interest centered on the history of Grandview Heights and Marble Cliff. She engaged her students in collecting photographs and memorabilia of their homes, families and community. These items were then displayed at "Back to School" night. The families left their memorabilia in her classroom. The collection was the beginning of the Grandview Heights/Marble Cliff Historical Society which was initiated in 1973. Midge continued her enthusiasm for history with her early spring tours of these communities. Today these tours are still part of the third grade curriculum. Midge was later quoted as saying, "I never graduated from third grade". She taught 20 years at Edison Elementary School from 1957-1977. | |
Wyandotte Market | |
The building at 1816 West Fifth Avenue was built in the early 1900's at the corner of Fifth Avenue and Wyandotte Avenue. It was then known as Wyandotte Market. William Reed (in the long apron) and Hobart Herrick (in the truck) are shown with family members and employees in front of their store where meat and groceries were sold. Since then the building has had six owners, the last four of which have been wine merchants. Al Stewart of "Stewart's Wine Shop" owned the building from 1963 to 2006 . Mr Stewart was supposedly issued the first liquor license since Prohibition. He sold his business to the current owner Jonna Brandon. Ms. Brandon's wine shop, "The Twisted Vine", is celebrating their sixth year in business. Wine tasting can be enjoyed every Thursday, Friday and Saturday from five until nine PM. | |
Stevenson Playground | |
This 1967 photograph shows children from R.L. Stevenson elementary school playing on the new playground equipment installed across Oxley road from the school. The strip shopping center in the background is on First Avenue, and shows the Emerald Cleaners shop and a location of McKinley Pharmacy, which also contained a popular soda fountain. The school opened in 1926, and the city-owned land on the east side of Oxley Road was designated as a public park and playground. It was later named Pierce Field in honor of Grandview's eighth mayor. | |
Tippy Dye | |
Tippy Dye was born William Henry Harrison in 1915 and went by the nickname "Tippy" throughout his career. He was a three sport standout at 5' 7'' and 135 pounds. He quarterbacked the Buckeyes to three straight wins over rival Michigan and was an all Big Ten football and basketball player. After graduation from OSU he was hired as Athletic Director and football coach for Grandview Heights HIgh School. Tippy left Grandview to serve in the Navy during WWII, returning to coach the OSU basketball team for three years. In 1951 he took over at Washington as coach and won three Pacific Coast Conference titles In his first three years. He went on to have a successful career as Athletic Director at Wichita State, Nebraska and Northwestern before retiring in 1974. W.H.H. Dye "Tippy" was 97 years old when he died this past week. (This photo is courtesy of Columbus Citizen, Scripps-Howard Newspapers/GHPL/Photohio.org.) | |
1977 GHHS BAseball Team | |
The high hopes of every high school baseball season are usually based on a strong nucleus of returning letterman. The Varsity Baseball Team of 1977 did not disappoint their following, winning their first 10 of 11 games. The team finished the season with a 15-9 record good for third place in the league. This was the first winning season in three years and led to Frank Borghese, Bob Grass and Dave Grinstead being named to the All League team. The class of '77 will be celebrating its 35 anniversary this fall. Names of the 1977 Varsity Baseball Team are (1st Row) Campbell, Quaranto, Perez, Grinstead. (2nd row) Borghese, Reeterman, Berlin, Hutchison, Hartman. (3rd Row) coach Gornall, Grass, Byerly, Buck, Hackney, Barrow. | |
1919 Field Day Program Cover | |
Parades were and still are a big event in Grandview and Upper Arlington. The Field Day celebration took place from 1915 to1925. This photograph shows the cover of the program for the 1919 Field Day activities. The parade travelled from Grandview Avenue, along First to Wyandotte, then to Fifth, to Cambridge Boulevard, ending at the Miller Park in Arlington. It was preceded by childrens' events at the Arlington Country Club in Marble Cliff, and following the parade athletic events, including a community tug-of-war, then a baseball game between Grandview and Arlington residents was played, followed by a dinner of baked ham and mashed potatoes, dancing, singing and a movie at the Community Church. This community celebration spirit continues today with separate events, such as the GH Memorial Day parade and the UA Fourth of July parade. | |
Grandview Garden Club | |
The Grandview Garden Club tries to save trees and the earth and promote recycling, and have done so for over twenty years. In the fall of 1991 the club theme was Protecting Planet Earth and one of their projects was to build and install bluebird houses in the Grandview area. The project was the idea of Evelyn Clark, club program director. Bluebirds eat mostly insects and they are active along the Goodale Boulevard. The houses were placed in this area and maintained by the club. Evelyn Clark is pictured here putting the finishing touches on one of the many houses contributed to the community in the fall of 1991. Some of the club's memorabilia are on display in the Grandview Library for the month of April. | |
Third Grade Community Tour | |
Former teacher "Midge" Mulhbach took the students of her third grade class out on the streets of their community to see for themselves where history was made. Starting in the 1970's, third grade classes have been going on spring tours of the neighborhood with exciting stories of events and neighbors that took place over the past one hundred years. After viewing slides and listening to an audio tape of Grandview's past, pictures collected by the Grandview Heights/Marble Cliff Historical Society and families, the students are eager to walk and experience the steps of the people that developed their community. Neighbors and friends have participated in the children's walking tours by adding their own stories and maybe even a handout of treats. Pictured on tour are current third graders with teacher Angela Baumann Pharion, in front of one of the famous architect, Frank Packard, houses near Tarpy Woods. Parents are learning from their children how to experience the history of Grandview Heights and Marble Cliff. | |
1962 Commencement Speakers | |
GHHS commencement speakers for the Class of 1962, Kathy Kahler, Jim Friel, Polly Towns, Don Dryden and Milly Moore proudly display the diplomas they worked so hard to earn. Many students walked away with honors so typical of Grandview High School graduates. This class was responsible for several new activities planned by the student council such as; Newcomer's Tea honoring all students new to the Grandview school system, and the "Wonderland of Hearts", a Valentine Dance, with the selection of a King and Queen of Hearts. In sports, girls participated in championships, winning in tennis, basketball and volleyball. Boy's football had some exciting games that had the crowd cheering, and Coach Richard Hopkins and his boy's Basketball team kept the same Grandview rooters on the edge of their seats with games such as the one shot heartbreakers to Hilliard and Mt. Vernon. | |
Swimming Pool Opening | |
The long wait for the swimming pool to open is a ritual of childhood. Rain or shine when opening day comes visitors are at the gates ready to take the plunge. Moms spread the blankets and wipe the backs and legs with sunscreen and then watch as play begins. Grandview Heights residents are no exception, from the old gravel pit July, 1921, to the opening of the doors of the new pool structure, "second to none in Ohio" in 1932 . Swimming has been a pastime and sport in the same pool and building on Goodale Boulevard with modest changes through the years. In 1945 the facility saw its first change in management with A.E. Ashleman as manager. The notice shown here was in The Tri-Village News, May 18, 1945. On Memorial Day 1978, Congressman Chalmers Wylie officially opened the remodeled pool under the ownership of the City of Grandview. | |
Memorial Park | |
On May 27, 1970, Mayor Joe Wyman dedicated the new Memorial Park, located at the intersection of Northwest Boulevard and Oxley Road. The park stands as a reminder of the persistent work of the Blue Star Mothers to acknowledge and remember the Grandview and Marble Cliff residents who have served our country. The Blue Star Mothers (Tri-Village Unit) was organized in 1943, representing women who had sons or daughters in the armed forces. Early that year the membership climbed to over eighty women. Homes with service members displayed a blue star and or gold star emblem in their windows, gold representing those that had given their lives for their country. Memorial plaques honoring World War l, World War ll, Korea, and Vietnam veterans from the Tri-Village area are installed in the park, and these men and women continue to be remembered in the annual Memorial Day service held on site. The GH/MC Historical Society has also produced a memorial booklet, "Final Salute" honoring these service men and women. | |
Aquacize | |
Activities offered by the Grandview Parks and Recreation Department in June of 1992 involved water exercises to develop muscle tone, strength, flexibility and better circulation through water movements. Tests showed students struggled with these exercises, but the program was very popular. Pictured in this 1992 photo are former Grandview residents Shari Thompson and Teri Williams taking part In the activities at the Grandview Pool. | |
Mike Dexter | |
Grandview Heights resident for more than 20 years, Mike Dexter, has donated his time and talent to his community for 19 of those years through his art work promoting the Lazy Daze Festival, an activity coordinated by the GH/MC Arts Council. This event benefits the city of Grandview Heights and the Grandview Public Library. Mike is a founding partner of IDC Design group located on Grandview Avenue. His creations are a combination of other art works in combination with his own concept of a theme. He sells his art on ETSY website along with millions of other art works located on the website. The Grandview Library held a show of his posters for Lazy Daze Summer Festival in April, 2009. These posters are now a permanent part of the Library along with Mike's newest display, entitled "DexMex". | |
Wallick Family | |
Adrian Lafayette ("Doc") and Maryibelle Currie Wallick are shown here at the main staircase in the Wallick mansion on Roxbury Road, with their children in this 1922 photo from the Wallick family archives. The children are, left to right: twins Louis and Currie, Adrian Jr., Mary Belle, and Nancianna. The mansion was built around 1910 by influential Marble Cliff resident and Columbus businessman Butler Sheldon. It was purchased in 1917 by Doc Wallick, who with his brother was the owner of the Deshler Hotel at Broad and High in downtown Columbus. Doc Wallick was educated as a dentist but made his money as a successful businessman. His son, Adrian Jr. was later the proprietor of A. L. Wallick Refractories on Johnstown Road on the east side of the city. | |
Bernard Black - Krema Nut Co. | |
This portrait of founder Benton Black hangs in the Krema Nut Company facility in Grandview Heights. In 1922 Black moved his business from Second and High in Columbus to Goodale Boulevard in Grandview, where it has remained ever since. The business developed from Dr. John Kellogg's patented process of preparing nut meats into a paste called peanut butter. Originally known as the American Refining Company, Krema Nut Co. changed its name because of a conflict with a Rockefeller oil company of the same name. Black began the Krema business making a mustard sauce from mustard seeds and a peanut spread from raw peanut paste, which was popular because of its high protein value. The Krema peanut butter process (using no sugar or salt) is almost the same process used in 1922 (early mason jars used for the product are shown in the inset). Brian Giunta purchased the company in 1991 and still uses Spanish peanuts from Texas and Oklahoma. The Krema Nut Co. is known for its high quality nut products including pistachio and almond nut butters, and sells its products via the Internet throughout the United States and Canada. | |
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August, 2012 - February, 2013