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Piggly Wiggly | |
The Piggly Wiggly grocery store (founded in Memphis, Tennessee in 1916 by Clarence Saunders) opened it's doors in the Bank Block on Grandview Avenue in Grandview Heights in 1927. The then new Bank Block shopping center, with parking behind the shops, provided the newest conveniences to shoppers, such as the "self service" opportunity offered by Piggly Wiggly. Until Saunders promoted this method of shopping, customers presented their orders to clerks who gathered the goods from the store shelves. Saunders noted that this method was wasted time and money. His idea revolutionized the entire grocery industry. Grandview shoppers were introduced to this new convenience by this ad. Self service was among many firsts introduced by the Piggly Wiggly stores. Others included check out stands, price marks on every item in the store, use of refrigerated cases to keep produce fresh longer, employee uniforms, and high volume/low profit margin retailing. The advertisement pictured here was found in a cook book published in 1927 by Group C of The First Community Church. | |
Jane Fitting | |
Jane Fitting, writing for The Tri-Village News in the summer of 1983, recalled some of the differences of the "good old summertime" of her childhood and today. Astride the pony that made a regular summer visit to the neighborhood, Jane was dressed in her Sunday best for this photo. In her words, "Summer days were spent making mud pies and baking them in the sun, then using them to throw at friends in make believe battle. Kites were made of newspapers, shooting 'agates and glassies' in a ring drawn in the dirt, picking clover blossoms to make chains, and competing at Hopscotch on the sidewalk were everyday games were played. Kids cooled off by playing in the hose. Pulling the shades before noon to keep in the cooler morning air was an everyday event in most households. Children were called in during the hottest part of the afternoon. Reading, making paper dolls out of magazine illustrations and doll houses out of boxes were the usual things done to pass time." Many times Jane's mother put a block of ice that the ice man had just delivered in a pan on the floor and turned the electric fan on it. That was the air conditioning of the day. An annual summer event to be counted on was the circus train unloading at the Grandview Avenue crossing, and people lined the streets to watch the parade with its clowns, calliope and elephants. Memories of past summers included homemade ice cream, family vacations, playing under the street lights at night while grownups rested in wicker rockers or wooden porch swings. | |
Dairy Queen | |
In the summer of 1948 a new summer treat became available in the Tri-Village area - a soft ice-cream goodie called "Dairy Queen". Roy and Eileen Gilmore of Cedar Rapids, Iowa saw the popularity of this new product of the 1940s and bought the only available franchise in a sizable city. They purchased the property at 1512 W. Fifth Avenue, and Columbus had its first Dairy Queen, later called DQ. Other locations followed the successful business for the Gilmores. One of the first franchise-oriented companies, Dairy Queen had only 10 stores in 1941, about 100 when the Tri-Village store opened, but grew to nearly 2600 by 1955 and 6000 today. The Fifth Avenue DQ remained in the family until 1980 when the rights were passed to Ernest Mandell, who had worked for the Gilmores for ten years. Mr. Mandell is still operating the Fifth Avenue location. The soft ice-cream, a blend of fresh milk and a proprietary mix, remains a specialty for summer and now, all year round. The Dairy Queen, shown here in a 1981 newspaper ad, celebrates 65 years at this Tri-Village location. | |
War Ration Books | |
War ration books were an accepted way of life during World War ll. The books pictured here were issued in 1945. World War ll evoked many federal controls which became a way of life, and were ultimately thought of as a patriotic effort. The United States was in a world war, and the auto industry and related jobs were greatly restricted as regulations became more and more invasive. At the inception of the gasoline rationing plan in 1942 a study of 750 operators of filling stations in Franklin County showed that 175 had closed and had become either parking lots or fruit stands. In 1942 housewives were unable to buy a normal allotment of meat for their tables. Packers were restricted and meat, pork and beef, were regulated by the government. By 1943 more than 2,900 kinds of food were rationed. In order to regulate purchasing, a point system of rationing began. Each individual had a certain number of points to spend every month. It was reported that according to the plan civilians had about half the food they normally consumed in previous years. Books and manuals of information were distributed during these years, such as "Home Food Preservation in Wartime" published by the Home Service Department of The Ohio Fuel Gas Company. | |
Diane Gonser | |
Grandview High School had its own heroine in the fall of 1947 when Diana Gonser investigated the smell of smoke in the school at about 5:20 P.M. Diana was working in the "Bobcat Room" where the school newspaper was published when she smelled something unusual. She went to the door of the auditorium and saw curtains and stage scenery smoking. She ran to the front of the school just as the football coach Charles Thackara and four members of his squad were crossing the street from practice. Jack Roth, Jack Shere,Larry Conaway and Richard Poulton answered Diana's alert by grabbing fire extinguishers and fighting the flames while Thackara called the Grandview Fire Department. By the time the Fire Department arrived the flames were under control with minimum damage. Mr. Ralph Berry, the school principal, said the five fire extinguishers hung in the auditorium were well used by the four youths. No time was lost as both heros and heroine saved the school from severe damage. Fire Chief Ray Starner investigated the blaze which he believed originated in a waste basket. Pictured here, Diana Gonser shows where she discovered the fire. The original article in the Columbus Dispatch was taken from the scrapbook of Jeanne Jones Holder. | |
Boulevard Organ | |
Boulevard Presbyterian Church, located at 1235 Northwest Boulevard in Grandview Heights, had a dedication recital January 16,1966 for the church's newly built Casavant pipe organ. The organ, pictured here, was the only organ of its kind in the Columbus area at the time. Custom designed and built to meet the acoustical and musical requirements of the church, the pipe organ was dedicated to the "Glory of God" on December 12, 1965. The pipe organ fund was established in 1952 shortly after the Boulevard Church's sanctuary was dedicated in June. The organ fund grew with gifts from the church members, special dinners, socials and projects of the "Organ Interest Group". In March of 1964 the church Trustees were instructed to negotiate a contract for the purchase and installation of a pipe organ in the church. A contract was signed with the Casavant company, a century old firm of French-Canadian craftsmen, located near Montreal, Canada. Much work followed to create new space in the church to allow the organ to "speak right down the church Nave". In September the organ arrived from Casavant, and installation took over two months with the demands of tonal and mechanical design of the instrument. The dedication recital was performed by Mr. Robert Stofer, organist and choirmaster of the Westminister Presbyterian Church in Dayton. | |
Basketball Kids | |
The State Fairgrounds Coliseum was the scene of the district championship basketball game in 1937. The playoff between Central High School and the Grandview Bobcats drew a crowd of over 4,000 people. Central High School's Pirates entered the game a heavy favorite and gained a commanding lead of 15 points in the first quarter. By half time the Cats trailed 31-20. The Grandview team that returned to the game after intermission gave the Grandview spectators a thrill to remember as they came within four points of defeating the Pirates. There were moments in the last period of the game when the Bobcats trailed by only three points. The Central team froze the ball in the final minutes, and Grandview was unable to catch up, and went down with a final score of 59-55. Though the district championship basketball game was the main attraction in the coliseum that night, two three year old children delighted the spectators during the intermission time. Mike Woodward, pictured here, appeared on the court with a basketball and proceeded to dribble the ball from one end of the court to the other each time attempting to toss it through the hoops. Although the ball never went much higher than the player's head the crowd roared with their approval. On the side lines stood Dona Maria Woodward (no relation) cheering the Grandview players on to win. | |
Joe and Gene Melaragno | |
Pictured here in front of the stone quarried by this father and son is Joe Melaragno and his son, Gene. Their story involves a combined 90 years - 46 for the father and 44 for the son - working for the Marble Cliff Quarry. Joe came to America at 16 years old from a small Italian farming village south of Rome in 1912. Guided by an uncle who had arrived earlier, Joe settled in Columbus where there were job opportunities. He met his wife to be, also from Italy, and married in 1920. In 1922 they moved into a house on Westwood Avenue in Grandview Heights, a neighborhood of many Italian families. Joe used picks and axes to chip away at the stone, loading it on mule drawn wagons, and later used explosives and air drills and loaded the stone on huge trucks. Gene, after returning from military service in World War ll, started in the quarry in 1942, working long days starting at 4 AM. Equipment involved 50-ton trucks, front-end loaders and air-track drills used to drill holes for explosives. 2 million tons of limestone were removed annually. Workers like Joe and Gene have been extracting limestone from the Marble Cliff Quarry since 1850 and could continue for another 50 years. Columbus area landmarks such as the Ohio Stadium, the Ohio State House, the LeVeque tower, state and county airports and modern freeways were constructed with stone extracted from the quarry by Marble Cliff Quarry employees. | |
Carolyn Ritter | |
Carolyn Ritter, drum major for the 1952-53 Grandview Heights marching band, is pictured here as she leads the band onto the field at the high school stadium. A sea of blue and white marching band members greeted the spectators with their spirited music, fancy dance steps and intricate formations, led by their director J.W. Byrnes. The band's skillful performance was the result of many hours of practice from the time of summer band camp to the last game of the season. Their maneuvers were enhanced by the performance of Miss Ritter and seven other majorettes. The formations included a salute to music, a salute to the school and spectators, and the Loyalty song, "we're loyal to you Grandview High." | |
Mineshaft Restaurant | |
This photograph, taken in 1984 by a Columbus Citizen Journal photographer, shows the construction of what would be the home of the Columbus Mineshaft Restaurant, on the bluff overlooking the quarry on the south side of West Fifth Avenue. The Mineshaft was owned by Carlos Garcia, who also had interest in the 94th Aerosquadron and the Confluence Restaurant. The restaurant was renamed the Miner's Den, and later became one of several Baby Doe's Matchless Mine restaurants across the country. They used a mining theme, which included an "entrance made to look like a mineshaft, flanked by various mining-related artifacts such as tipple cars on narrow gauge rails and rusting hoist machinery." The dining room had large windows that provided an excellent view of the quarry lake below. The Daimler Group razed the building in the mid 1990s. | |
First Big Bear Store | |
The big sensation of 1934 was the first Big Bear store which opened in a former roller rink on Lane Avenue near OSU's campus in Columbus. It was billed as the midwest's first self service supermarket, and the company headquarters and distribution facilities were established at 770 W. Goodale Blvd. In 1987, 50 years after opening, the chain had 57 other Big Bear stores in addition to the original. Customers were greeted by colorful displays of products and were introduced to the new concept of self service, which allowed customers, who formally gave orders to clerks, to personally walk the aisles of merchandize and select their choice from a variety of products. Big Bear was the first supermarket in the country to use cashier operated motorized conveyor belts and shopping carts. The company expanded over the next years, introducing the warehouse concept that was developed with the purchase of Harts Stores, which operated in the basement of two Big Bear stores. The Big Bear Credit Union was established in June of 1957 for employees and was located at the Goodale Blvd. headquarters. In the late 1980s, due to competition from Cub Foods and Meijer moving into the marketing area, the Big Bear chain began its inevitable decline. Big Bear became a division of Penn Traffic Co. and eventually ended its existence in 2004. Some Big Bear stores were reopened as Giant Eagle or Kroger. Many stores remain closed in Ohio and West Virginia, as a remnant of a once innovative business. | |
Custom Coach | |
Miles Elmers is pictured in the inset here with his son Kirwan in a 1964 photo as they talk with a prospective buyer of one of their custom-built motorhomes. It was in the 1950s, as he traveled the United States to promote a variety of products, that he developed a low sudsing laundry detergent for washing machines. Business boomed and so did Miles' interest in motorhomes. He was instrumental in developing the first commercially converted motorhome in 1952. After selling his famous "All" brand soap to Monsanto Corporation, Miles was able to turn his attention full time to mobile home travel. He purchased the Land Cruiser Division of the Flexible Company, a bus manufacturer in Loudonville, Ohio, and wth Kirwan, formed the Custom Coach Corporation. This first company to specialize in custom built motorhome conversions of bus shells introduced a new style of travel to the RV industry. With luxury innovations they developed with each new model, a who's who of clients was attracted. Music celebrities took notice of the company's vehicles for travel which led to other entertainers also becoming customers. Commercial customers included McDonald's founder, Ray Kroc, Dave Thomas of Wendy's fame and August Busch lll, CEO of Anheuser-Busch. In 1963 Kirwan attended a week-end gathering of "house car" owners who voted to form the Family Motor Coach Association. This organization is celebrating its Golden Anniversary and inducted Kirwan Elmers, a charter member, into the RV/MH Hall of Fame in Elkhart, Indiana in August of this year. The Custom Coach Corporation was formerly located at 1400 Dublin Road in Marble Cliff. | |
1973 Cheerleaders | |
"Time is my friend, for every time we meet the time we spend is tender and sweet." The theme of the 1973 Year Book captures memories for students, parents, faculty and friends. Cheerleaders Debbie Scono, Mimi Little, Amy Keller, Vicki Nobilucci, Mary Daley and Sherry Render cheered for the teams, with highlights in football when Mark Howard was chosen All-State tackle. Ed Bozeman's Cross Country team produced the state champion Tom Brumfield. Basketball highlights cheered were the exciting games against unbeaten Grove City, Mark Wendel sinking the winning shot with two seconds left on the clock and tournament play against Bishop Ready. Bruce Sinclair was named to the All Mid-8 first team, and the tennis team had an outstanding season with a record of 15-4. High point for the team was First Place in the East High Invitational, with Doug Fiorino and Mark Parsley winning the doubles championship. Academics required most of the school time led by first year Superintendent Dr. Don Williams and Principal John Hanlon. Vice-principal John Caronis had a variety of duties which kept him close to the students. Mary Jo Gasgalla and Larry Weaver created the music to be remembered. Homecoming, formal dances, plays, musicals and award ceremonies occupy the memories of 1973 graduates as they prepare for their homecoming reunion. As Lonnie Alonso, one of the outstanding seniors said, "Today is the beginning of the rest of your life." | |
1987 Storm Damage | |
With the heat and humidity that come with summer, so do summer storms. Summer storm damage can be a costly business to the city and citizens. Accounts of the storm of August 3, 1987 ran high. Mayor David Dudley declared a state of emergency early on Monday morning. Every department head was on hand and the service department called out every person they could reach. Help came from all corners to put the city back together. The storm struck the Grandview/Marble Cliff area a little after midnight Sunday night and into Monday morning. After the storm passed, accounts of the storm were recalled by residents. Spectacular displays of lightning hitting trees and power lines exploding were described. One resident aroused by the thunder and lightning, Bill Swager of 1410 Arlington Avenue, went to the window "just in time to see the big oak fall in stroboscopic slow motion. The frequent flashes of lightning caused the strobe effect." Monday daylight brought images of damage such as these pictured here. Trees fell on cars, houses were damaged and more than a dozen streets in Grandview Heights and Marble Cliff were forced to be closed. There were serious losses at GH City Hall with radio damage to fire and police equipment. As of 8:30 Monday night over 1000 residents were still without electricity. Parks and Recreation Director David Groth said over 100 trees were knocked down or damaged. Neighbors aided the city with volunteer help and chain saws to clear up the damage. Medics on hand reported no serious injuries. | |
Pierce Field - 1966 | |
The year 1966 saw the launching of a dream of Grandview Mayor Joe Wyman. It was the creation of the "Kiddie Korral" at the playground at Pierce Field. The design lay-out, pictured here, consisted of colorful rides, slides and swings for children, and was displayed at the Ohio National Bank located on West First Avenue. Residents of the community, business organizations and service clubs were asked to donate a piece of equipment or any amount of money toward this "new and different" playground program. Part of a long range recreation plan for the city, equipment was selected and ordered with the arrival date set for June 17, 1966. The "Kiddie Korral" was located in the West First Avenue, Oxley Road area near Stevenson School to attract the children away from the potentially dangerous ball field. The mayor was rewarded by the excited approval of the kids as they tested the new rides (inset). | |
1923 Girls Basketball | |
"For the second time Grandview holds the county title" read a quote from a Columbus Dispatch article, referring to the Grandview Heights Girl's Basketball team of 1923. The team went on to play in the Cincinnati tournament, disposing of the tournament favorite, Hughes High School, only to lose to "a team of lesser quality", Franklin High School. The Cincinnati Community News reported that the Grandview team was regarded as the "dark horse" and the captain of the team, Marie Grubb, appeared at the tournament carrying a toy black horse. Pictured here are, Captain Marie Grubb and her team, Doris Rains, Frances Ward, Lucille Hoferkamp, Ruth Walters, Marguerite Droke, Tracy Julian, Dorothy Adams, Annabelle Ward, Ruth Semans and Coach Stan Jones. This picture appears in the second annual "yearbook" of the Grandview Heights High School, published in 1923. | |
Field Day - 1942 | |
Field Day for the two kids playgrounds in Grandview Heights was held on July 16, 1942. Under the supervision of the Grandview school system, the West play ground, located on Oakland Avenue, north of First Avenue, held the playoffs with the winners to be celebrated at "Parents Night" in the High School stadium. In a close finish of the 40-yard dash for boys 8-10 years old are (left to right) Stanton Jones, Emerson Shell, Tommy Wheeler and Angelo Napolitano. In the second picture trying for first bat in the girls' softball game are Barbara Peters, from the East playground, and Jean Jones from the West, with Sue Southland, Bonnie Glover, Patty Behmer, Marlene Neher, Joan Utley and Janet Cochran looking on. The winning ball team received a watermelon; other winners received ice cream bars. The special "Parents Night" celebration was held the following night as badges were awarded to the final winners. | |
Bobcat Boosters | |
With a constitution and by-laws written and a purpose stated, The Bobcat Boosters Club was formed in 1943. It was comprised of mostly parents of students involved in the Athletic program of Grandview Heights High School. Records show that membership in March of 1944 was up to 169 members. By 1946 the club was incorporated under the General Corporation Act of Ohio as "The Bobcat Boosters, Inc." The purpose was stated to be "To promote and advance athletic and recreational endeavors and activities of every description in the public schools of Grandview Heights, Ohio, and for all other residents in the city of Grandview and municipal authorities to accomplish that purpose". The organization is now run by a group of directors and the constitution limits the number of directors that may serve at any one time. In October of 1956 the Boosters started a tradition at the city's celebration of Grandview Heights 50th Anniversary. It was to become the annual ox roast, a major fund raiser for the club. There were food concessions, games, carnival rides and the roasting of an ox. The fires were, and still are, traditionally lit by the football team captains returning home from their first game of the year. With other fundraisers during the school year the Bobcat Boosters have given well over $50,000 to the Grandview Heights athletic programs. | |
OSU-UM Homecoming - 1940 | |
The Homecoming crowd at Ohio Stadium on November 23, 1940 watched as Michigan played Ohio State. It was the last game of the year and more importantly the last game watched by Fielding H. Yost in his capacity as Director of Michigan Athletics. The cover for the program (shown here) was drawn by Dick Green from the Class of 1942, and depicts Yost (right) and Lynn W. St. John, Ohio State's Athletic Director. The program was dedicated to Yost who had been at the University of Michigan from 1901 to 1941. In 1921 Yost was appointed Director of Athletics, climaxing years of successful coaching at Ohio Wesleyan, University of Nebraska, University of Kansas, University of Missouri, Leland Stanford University and University of Michigan. While Yost was successful as coach in the production of winning teams, he was also acclaimed for his demands for high ideals for youth and athletics. He instituted and administered a physical education teaching program that stands as a model for athletics programs around the country. At this rivalry game St. John said farewell to the "Grand Old Man" of Michigan sports. | |
Hoover Sweeper Ad | |
Published quarterly "in the interest of Grandview Heights High School", the Highlander magazine cost fifteen cents per copy, or thirty-five cents per year. Staffed by high school juniors, seniors and three sophomores, the magazine contained editorials, stories, poems, reports on athletics and social news. Quips and jokes filled the pages while the editor stated "we want our readers to know that there is no malice, no unkind ridicule in our motive of holding to the light the humorous side of every-day school life." The February, 1917 edition was filled with over twenty advertisements of local businesses of the day, and pictured here is an ad for household appliances that was on the opening cover. The Hoover "Suction Sweeper" was invented by James Spangler in Canton, and was marketed by his cousin William "Boss" Hoover. The Eden Washing Machine was made by the Brokaw-Eden Manufacturing Company in Alton, Il. and both appliances were advertised to operate at a cost of only 1 1/2 cents per hour in 1917. | |
Santa Claus | |
One of Columbus's most legendary restaurants, the Grandview Inn, was located on Dublin Road just west of Grandview Avenue on the site of the Walcutt family homestead. The Inn served as a venue for live jazz, hosting many nationally known jazz groups in the 50s and 60s, and was known for its exceptional dining. The restaurant was closed, the building used briefly as a church, and was then razed to make way for a Tim Hortons in 2001. This late 1940s image is from a collection housed at Duke University that features photographs of outdoor advertising all across the United States. The many companies that did this kind of advertising included the Columbus Outdoor Advertising Co. which has many billboards captured on film and stored in the Duke collection. This image is used with permission. | |
1939 Football | |
Pictured here in an effort to avoid Grandview players, Upper Arlington's quarterback, Bob Crane makes a few yards gain only to turn the ball over to the Bobcats for a winning game score of 13-0. The defeat of Upper Arlington made Grandview the 1939 Scholastic Football Champions of Greater Columbus. The Grandview team, coached by William Harrison "Tippy" Dye, an Ohio State great, finished the season with the first undefeated and untied record in the history of the school. With their unbeaten record, the grid team won their fifth straight Central Buckeye league title. The leading scorer for Grandview was George "Doc" Mingle. Pat Cardi was the star halfback with Jim Koetz and Albie Row making outstanding plays to aid the winning team. GHHS concluded the season with the only perfect record in Greater Columbus in the year 1939. | |
1915 Third Grade Class | |
Pictured here is Nellie Shoup's third grade class of 1915. These students would go on to graduate from Grandview High School in 1924. It was the first year for Grandview High School to be located in the " Big Red School House". These students accepted the challenge to set new traditions along with setting standards and ideals for those who would come after them. Those standards were defined in the 1924 yearbook as justice, good will, and clean play. The third graders pictured here in 1915 are, left to right, front row: Margaret Zollinger, Leola Baum, Dorothy Adams, Janet Marter, Myrtle Penn, Edna Waterman, Doris Raines, Frances Ward, and Burley Biillingsly. Back Row, left to right, are Franz Stone,Donald Beach, Melvin Shrumb, Theodore Roberts, Harry Walcott, Henry Master, William Linn, Edmund Dwyer, and Horace Smith. | |
QUBE Television | |
A former appliance store on Olentangy River Road at Third Avenue near Grandview became the new home of Warner Communication's QUBE interactive television effort in 1977. QUBE was a revolutionary approach to television, marrying cable and computer technology to give viewers the opportunity to interact with their TV. Viewers used a set-top box and remote with "five interactive buttons which were used to play games, shop at home, and answer questions" to send responses to the cable service. QUBE was the home of several groundbreaking shows, including Flippo the Clown's Magic Circus, America goes Bananaz, Soap Scoop, and Talent Search. Programming included what is now called Pay-Per-View, interactive games, children's shows, and local shows such as Columbus Alive. QUBE went out of business in 1985, and was replaced in the building by Lyon Video. The facility and an adjacent former bank were recently razed to make room for commercial developments, including Miller's Ale House. Photos and more extensive information on QUBE can be found online at ) | |
Julius Stone - Celebrating 500 Moment in Time features | |
Nearly 10 years ago, the Grandview Heights/Marble Cliff Historical Society and ThisWeek Community News began a partnership feature, called Moment in Time. Since that day, 500 photographs and stories about the history of the tri-village area have been presented. Following is a repeat of the very first feature. "Mr. Julius F. Stone was an influential Columbus industrialist and entrepreneur who lived in Grandview Heights. His home at 1065 Westwood, which he and his family lived in until the mid-1940s, was razed to develop the current Stonegate Village homes. Mr. Stone (upper right) was the owner of Ohio Buggy Works and the Seagrave Co., turn of the century makers of Seagrave fire engines. Mr. Stone was a trustee of The Ohio State University and President of the OSU Research Foundation. He donated quite a sum of money to the University, endowing a fellowship in Biophysical research and purchasing the first OSU cyclotron. In 1925 he donated Gibralter Island in Lake Erie near Put-In-Bay to OSU to establish what would become the Franz Theodore Stone Lab, in honor of his father. He was very active in conservation issues, and organized the first Colorado River expedition for sport in 1909. He was inducted into the Ohio Department of Natural Resources Hall of Fame in 1967. His Harvard educated son Julius Stone, Jr. (lower right) is credited with saving Key West, Florida from total collapse in 1935 and reestablishing it as a mecca of tourism. Another of Julius Stone's sons, George was Commander of the Ohio Wing of the Civil Air Patrol and was the pilot of the first plane to land at Don Scott Field in 1942." | |
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