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February, 2014 - August, 2014
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Dori Voelker | |
With an outstanding four-year record in singles tennis, Grandview tennis player Dori Voelker had the most successful career in Grandview High School history. As a freshman, Dori was district finalist, beaten by Bexley's exceptional player Patti Schiff. Her sophomore year, Dori was a semifinalist, posting an 18-1 record. Success followed her in her junior year as a semifinalist losing to the eventual state champion June Cohodes, also from Bexley. As a senior, Dori compiled a record of 23-8, was voted by her coaches as Player of the Week three times and was voted by her teammates as the Most Valuable Player on the team. Dori Voelker ended an outstanding high school tennis career with a third place finish in the A-AAA State Tournament and an overall 80 wins with 11 losses. Dori is pictured here in 1981. | |
Sigma Omega Epsilon | |
Sigma Omega Epsilon sorority was formed in Grandview at the end of the 1940s decade. With a pledge, a sorority song, colors of purple and green, and a sorority mother/sponsor, a group of Grandview Heights girls held rush parties, dances, carnivals, pledging services, and other activities with big sisters appointed, all for social enjoyment. Mrs. Herbert C. Wiley served as the first sorority mother and sponsor. The sorority was active for years in the late 1940s to the disbanding of high school sororities and fraternities in Grandview and across the state in the 1950s. While sororities and fraternities provided social activities and spirit rallies for high school games, they also competed with school clubs and were claimed to be a positive influence for student behavior. Pictured here are members of the Sigma Omega Epsilon sorority as they work to raise funds for the 1948 Red Cross Fund Campaign. Left to right Alice Rene, Jean Kidwell, Marilyn Salzgaber and Nona Toops. | |
1964 Senior Play | |
The 1964 yearbook of Grandview Heights High School captured the guiding principals of the school "to develop in each pupil the realization that major objectives in life are to attain happiness and to be a useful citizen." The school's objective was to provide the tools to sharpen a student's intelligence, to raise the standard of his thinking in order to obtain happiness and be a useful citizen. Through the efforts of the staff members of the Highlander, the activities and memories of the 1964 class were collected and recorded. The theme"happiness is..." is carried throughout the book. One hundred twenty-six seniors received diplomas at graduation on June 9 1964 with the best wishes of Superintendent Robert Timmons, Principal Ralph Beery, and a dedicated staff of teachers. Mary Guggenaster reined as Homecoming Queen with her court as "Jewels of 64" while football fans cheered with delight as the Victory Flag was raised. Pictured here is the advertisement for the Senior play, one of the many school activities that year. Committee members are Judy Cooper, Lloyd Gill, Nancy Shaefffer, Cheryl Hughes, Sharon Ott, Cecillia Wheeler, Karen Engdall, Ann Steele and Marianne Prosser. The class is celebrating its 50th reunion this year. | |
Carl Hoster Cars | |
Carl Hoster was part of the famous German Village brewing business started by his grandfather Louis Hoster. Carl lived in Marble Cliff on Arlington Avenue across from the Arlington Country Club. In 1906 when his photo shown here was taken, he was the President of the Hoster Columbus Associated Brewers, which was in business until Prohibition. An article in the April 15, 1906 Columbus Dispatch indicated that Carl purchased two new automobiles, a 1906 Fiat (top) for $9000 (about $237,000 in today's dollars), and a Pope-Toledo (bottom drawing). Three other residents (Samuel Prescott Bush, Eugene Gray, and Theodore Lindenberg) also bought Pope-Toledo cars that year. A later edition of the Dispatch reported that Hoster was arrested by the Marble Cliff marshal, who was on horseback, for speeding through the village in his roadster. | |
Grandview Cleaners | |
Franklin American Laundry closed its doors, and Robert Blackburn found himself without a job. So in 1953 he decided to start his own business with a franchise as "One Hour Martinizing", located at 1445 Grandview Avenue. The rent was $250.00 a month. He invested in equipment for on site dry cleaning, and his sales promotion was "one hour dry cleaning, cash and carry". Business was good and within a year he opened two more stores on North High Street and East Broad. Robert and his wife Marcella's son David started working at the Grandview store when he was 14 years old. The name of the business was changed to Grandview Cleaners in the 1970s and is now in its sixty-fourth year in the same location and under the Blackburn ownership. David is the present owner with a son and daughter that have worked there also. Hanging on the wall at the entrance of the Grandview Cleaners is a famous poster (shown here) entitled "Play golf while having your suit pressed". The original photograph was taken October 3, 1930, and depicts the of clients of tailor Harris Berger of Queens, N.Y. as they play putt-putt golf while their suits are pressed. | |
Grandview Ave. Bridge | |
This photograph shows the double span metal truss bridge over the Scioto River near the intersection of Grandview Avenue and McKinley Road (the inset photo at the bottom left is an aerial view of where the bridge crossed the river.) On the south side of the bridge was the Columbus West Yard of the Toledo & Ohio Central Rail Road. The Yard, located at the location of the current COTA bus garage, was very active, and the number of trains entering and leaving the Yard often tied up traffic on both sides of the bridge. Residents have written that they had plenty of time to watch the operation of the railroad roundhouse while waiting to cross the bridge. Traffic was also impacted all along Grandview Avenue to the north as cars waited for the switch engines to clear the crossing. | |
Kim Keller | |
Four new tennis courts were introduced to the recreation program of the Grandview Heights Recreation Department and the Grandview Heights High School in the summer of 1969. The boys' high school tennis team benefitted as the courts gave the Bobcats more room and better playing conditions. The first year coach of the Grandview tennis team shown here, Bill McGhee, instructs tennis captain Kim Keller on how to make a better approach for a winning shot. The senior captain led his tennis team to the school's first winning season since 1961. The team players (three seniors, two juniors, a sophomore and a freshman) won five out of their seven matches for the winning season. Keller went on to the district semifinals representing Grandview. The four new courts also helped to provide more tennis programs for the community. | |
James Scott | |
Referred to as the "Bobcat Mentor", James Scott was Grandview Heights' football coach in 1938. After four years at the helm of the Bobcat team he had an impressive record. During his first three years as coach the Cats won 16 games, lost 6, and tied 3, scoring 374 points to their opponents 125. It was not until Scott came to Grandview High that the cats won the Central Buckeye League title. That was in 1936, his second year as coach. The Grandview team went on to repeat winning the League title in 1937 and 1938. As a result of the 1938 win, the school permanently captured the "handsome" Central Buckeye League trophy for the Grandview trophy case. Scott served Grandview High School as the Boys' Physical Education teacher and Hi-Y advisor as well as coach for the football team for four years. He earned his B.S. degree from The Ohio State University. | |
1958 Senior Leaders | |
Ninety-one seniors, their parents and guests were gathered in the new auditorium of the Grandview Heights High School for Commencement exercises on June 10, 1958. The class president and several high ranking seniors were Commencement speakers. The Rev. John R. Glenn gave the invocation and the benediction, and the high school mixed chorus, under the direction of Mrs. Betty Roberts sang several selections. Ralph Berry, the high school principal, introduced the senior class and Dr. Tom Lewis, Board of Education member, awarded the diplomas. The program ended with the singing of the school Alma Mater and the benediction. Following the commencement exercises, the graduates boarded buses headed for Buckeye Lake where a buffet dinner was served, followed by dancing in the Crystal Ballroom. A swim took place in the Crystal pool, rides and the miniature golf course were open for the seniors enjoyment, and from 3:30 A.M. to 5:30 A.M. the class had a sunrise boat ride on the J.B. Taylor, the 300 passenger, triple deck boat with music for dancing provided. Breakfast was waiting in the Crystal ballroom when the boat returned.The senior officers with parents and the class advisor, Fred Robinson, planned all the senior night activities. Pictured here are Commencement speakers, Fred Snyder, class president, Lucille Bryson, Ann Tuttle, Sharon Riggs and Rusty Lawyer as they look over their speech notes. | |
Aerial View of Quarry | |
This spectacular aerial view of the confluence of the Scioto and Olentangy Rivers just south of Grandview Heights was taken in 1949 by famous Dayton photographer William Preston Mayfield. Mayfield was the personal photographer to the Wright Brothers, and at 14 years of age in 1910 was first person in the nation to take a photograph from an airplane. The photo is looking directly east, over Grandview Avenue at the bottom, toward the Columbus skyline at the top. A working quarry is at the right center, flanked on the right by the West Yard of the railroad at Mckinley Avenue, and to the left by a vacated water filled quarry. The tower of WBNS television is at the top left, just to the right of the railroad siding and bridge south of Goodale Blvd. and above the water treatment plant on Dublin Road, which curves through the left portion of the photo. This entire area is now dominated by the interchanges of I-670 at Grandview Ave. The quarry at the bottom is now the location of the Arbors of Watermark apartment complex. This photo is used courtesy of the Special Collections and Archives at Wright State University. | |
Ralph Guglielmi | |
The Notre Dame duo of sophomore John Lattner and freshman Ralph Guglielmi led the football team to an upset fourth quarter win over favored University of Southern California in 1951. Guglielmi, pictured here with his legendary coach Frank Leahy, rose to stardom overnight and made headlines nationally with his spectacular passing. The freshman, a third string quarterback, was a favorite of Leahy, and together with backfield teammate Lattner receiving his passes, the team rolled to a win in the fourth quarter against quarterback Frank Gifford for the Trojans. Ralph, son of Mr. and Mrs. Morino Guglielmi of 891 Thomas Road in Grandview Heights, and a graduate of Grandview High School went on to earn induction into the National Football College Hall of Fame. He also played for the NFL's Washington Red Skins in 1955, St Louis in 1961, the NY Giants in 1962 and finally for Philadelphia in 1963. He is one of the oldest living professional football players at age 81 and is living in Columbus. | |
Tompkins Ice Cream | |
On May 4, 1920, Standard Oil purchased the property on the corner of West Fifth Avenue and Cambridge Boulevard, and Marble Cliff then had the first "filling station" in the area. The Sohio Station remained for 54 years. The property also housed Tompkins Ice Cream, operated by Gary and Freda Russell in the 1930s. Barbara B. Lach purchased the property in 1986 and opened a lunch shop that operated for several years. Several businesses occupied the building since then, and were followed by the return to a food establishment in 2009. The Cambridge Tea House is an establishment owned by Mary Boesch and is advertised as a special place for breakfast, lunch or afternoon tea. | |
GHS Medical Personnel | |
In 1924, Dr. Clayton Smith (pictured at the right) was a member of the Faculty of Medicine at Ohio State University and was a professor of Physiological Chemistry. He was also the school physician for Grandview Heights High School. Miss Marie McElwee, pictured along side Dr. Smith, was the school nurse. A graduate of White Cross Hospital, Miss McElwee performed various tests on the students' eyes, ears, noses and throats, gave physical examinations and made house calls on students who were ill. Dr. Smith prescribed on the cases of a more serious nature. Miss McElwee was a member of the staff of Grandview Heights High School, while Dr. Smith was the acting physician who aided Miss McElwee in her work and gave his services free of charge. Their efforts were considered "invaluable and most efficient in every detail" according to the 1924 Year Book of the Grandview Heights High School. | |
Golfers | |
The Jeffrey Mining Company hosted an annual golf tournament at the 'Arlington Hunt and Golf Club', which was actually called the Arlington Country Club at the time in 1917. It was renamed as the Aladdin Country Club after it was sold to the Shriners. In 1896 the Arlington Country Club moved into the quarters designed for them by noted Columbus architect Frank Packard.The two-story clubhouse was on four acres of land, and included a track and stable facilities for the riding club. It was due south of present-day No. 10 Arlington Place, and the clubhouse sat on the edge of the bluff facing the valley below. An additional 12 acres were acquired after 1896 to accommodate the 9-hole golf course. In 1914 Arlington Country Club members were asked to cooperate in the organization of a new 18-hole club, and were offered $125 per share for their stock and made first in line for membership in the newly designed Scioto Country Club, which opened in 1916. The Arlington Country Club property was purchased by the Shriners and remained in existence until 1925. The clubhouse survived for some years, sometimes vacant, and sometimes as a private residence. |
Grandview Avenue Facelift | |
The face lift of Grandview Avenue at the Bank Block was underway in 1977, with the installation of the frame work for the orange stripe canopy to be to be installed. The planting of trees and other landscaping along the sidewalk were the finishing touches - the Grandview Parks and Recreation Department played a major part in the installation of the red maple trees. Six cuts in the sidewalk along the Bank Block were made to contain the trees and additional plantings. The colorful awnings would add to the front of the buildings for a new awakening of the retail complex. The Bank Block building was purchased in the spring by Wagbros Co. from a trust managed by a Cadiz, Ohio church. Following work to correct a bulging front wall in the building, the facelift project was started. The Bank Block is now listed on the Historical Register, and has evolved into a thriving business community with sidewalk cafe appeal. The heritage of this Bank Block reaches back to 1927. |
Historical Society Founders | |
"It's official. Grandview Heights and Marble Cliff have a Historical Society." This was the announcement 40 years ago on September 18th, 1974, for the first annual meeting of the newly formed Society. The meeting was held at the Grandview Heights Public Library, and the constitution and by-laws were approved and officers were elected. Members of the Steering Committee, pictured here, who did the work involved in organizing the Historical Society, were elected to its first Board of Trustees. Motion to accept the slate proposed was made by Mrs. Bernice Parker, long time resident of Grandview Heights and seconded by John Boardman. Standing in the picture of the officers elected are Grandview Mayor Wyman. treasurer Virginia Abbot, and Councilwoman Ann Larrick, secretary. Seated are Dirk Voelker, vice president and Win Keller, president. At the beginning of the meeting, Mrs Abbott announced there were 117 annual members and two life members. Many others signed up that night. Queen of the first annual meeting announced that night, was Mrs. William H. Tremaine, who had lived in the Grandview Heights area continuously since 1904. More details were included in last Wednesday's ThisWeek Tri-Village News. |
1976 Halloween | |
The 1976 Grandview Halloween Street Festival began on Saturday, October 30. Grandview Avenue, from First to Third Avenues, was closed with goblin, Lynn Veach, Grandview Parks and Recreation Department Director (pictured here) and Nancy Paul, Recreation Leader, roaming the street in costume. A community event, sponsored by Parks and Recreation had organizations sponsoring street booths, a children's parade and activities, a barber shop quartet on stage followed by a rock band. The Grandview High School Band performed and High School students participated in decorating windows and light poles on Grandview Avenue. Award ceremonies were held for best costumes and best decorated light poles and store windows. Pony rides, a Moon Walk and other activities went on throughout the evening. The festivities shut down with the band "Myth" performing until 11 PM. Midnight found the Goblins and Ghosts of another Halloween disappearing from view in Grandview Heights, Ohio. |
1954 Homecoming Court | |
The 25th annual Homecoming assembly and football game were two very exciting events of the Grandview Heights High School students' year in 1954. The assembly was filled with expectant students waiting the selection of their Homecoming Queen. Fall mums and roses in an array of colors adorned the stage that contained the throne awaiting the Queen and her attendants. The crown of white Mums for the Queen was placed on the head of Joyce Bach, pictured here with her court. They are, left to right, Mimi Jones, Carol Sue Herd, Queen Joyce Bach, Desire Chester and Diane Cashey. Later on the field, the Bobcats met their traditional pigskin rivals, the Golden Bears of Upper Arlington, and the team was successful in defeating the Bears for the second year in a row. The festivities continued the next evening with the Homecoming Dance. |
1970 Day In Government | |
Grandview Heights High School students sit with the Grandview city officials for "a day in government" on April 6th, 1970. Students learned and experienced the job of the counterpart they were assigned to be. Pictured from left to right, City Engineer Robert G. Wolfe and student counterpart Mardi Fuller, Councilman Joe Arganbright and John Karlevec, Councilman Larry Pierce and Bruce Williams, and student Tom McCoy with Councilman George Anderson. A luncheon was held at Presutti's Villa with Columbus Safety Director James G. Hughes, Jr., a Grandview Heights resident, as speaker. Hughes left the students with the challenge to keep government officials accountable. "Go to Council meetings!" he advised them. The students ended the day by attending the official city council meeting that night. |
1920s Thanksgiving | |
This photograph, from the Esther Koch Evans collection, shows Grandview elementary students dressed as Pilgrims and Indians standing in front of the Grandview Public School (current Edison Intermediate School) with their teacher, possibly in the 1920's. Several of the boys in the upper right are not wearing Thanksgiving costumes but rather World War I "Doughboy" uniforms. There are almost 40 students in this class and presumably just the one teacher. Esther's father owned Koch's Pharmacy in the Masonic Temple building located on the northwest corner of Grandview and First Avenues. Esther graduated from GHHS in 1933. Happy Thanksgiving from the Grandview Heights/Marble Cliff Historical Society. |
Stagecoach | |
Stagecoach routes in Ohio provided overland passenger travel beginning in 1809. In 1820, stagecoach travel began from Cleveland, south to Columbus and on to Pittsburg. By 1826 a daily 104 mile trip to Erie, Pennsylvania was made by a 4 horse mail and passenger coach which took 16 hours and cost $3.00. As this mode of travel became more popular in the 1830s, daily runs to and from Pittsburg were scheduled on 3 competing lines. Every other day a stage went from Cleveland to Columbus and Cincinnati. As railroads developed, the mode of travel changed, although stagecoach travel lasted well into the latter part of the century. The stage lines from Cincinnati north to Columbus were very competitive, claiming fast horses, seats with cushions and coaches with springs. Accommodations at establishments along the routes were said to be convenient and comfortable at many taverns and inns. This stagecoach pictured here carried passengers out of Columbus west along Fifth Avenue, with a toll booth at Kenny Road. Rivers such as the Olentangy were forged by the horse and coach, as no bridge existed. This picture may be found on the GH/MCHS new Timeline at |
Larry Larson | |
In 1979 the Grandview Heights High School football team finished the season with a 9-0-1 record and won the Central Buckeye League Championship with post season honors going to the players. The CBL Champions were led by co-captains Cliff Kemmerling and Jeff Beggrow. Dow Voelker and Vince DePietro were named to the first team Associated Press Class AA All Ohio team. Voelker was also named to the UPI All Ohio first team. While the Grandview offense was accumulating points, the defensive unit allowed only 19 points against Grandview for the season and finished as the Central Ohio area's number one defensive team. The head coach of this team was Larry Larson, who was named "Coach of the Year" by the Citizen Journal and "Co-Coach of the Year" by the Associated Press for district AA. |
1939 Golf Team | |
The Grandview Heights golf team recorded a great season in 1939. In competition with nine teams in league play, the 1939 golfers established its record wins against South, Aquinas, East, North, Central, West, Academy, Arlington and Bexley. Defeating each of these teams brought home 4 trophies for Grandview High School. The top notch golf play throughout the golf season by the four students pictured here resulted in championships in the City High League, the Central Buckeye League, the Little Three Circuit and the Central District Championship. From left to right are team players Allen Nunn, Pat Mathias, Herman Benedetto and Nick DeLuca. |
Christmas Tree Lighting | |
In 1976, City Councilman Everett Daniels confessed his "secret desire" and wish for Grandview Heights to have its own Christmas tree. That year city maintenance workers carried out Daniel's idea. A 25 ft. Austrian Fir, located on Park property along Goodale Boulevard just west of Grandview avenue, was cut down and taken to Pierce Field where it was erected and stabilized with guy wires. Under the direction of the Grandview Parks and Recreation Director, Lynn Veach (shown here at the right of Daniels), the tree was decorated with Christmas ornaments made by students of Grandview's R.L. Stevenson and Edison Elementary Schools. The city's official lighting ceremony followed, and Grandview Heights had its first Christmas tree. |
Santa Arrives by Helicopter | |
The Christmas tree lighting ceremony was established in Grandview Heights in 1976 so, also was the holiday visit from Santa Claus. His annual visit was usually centered at the Grandview Heights Public Library or the Community Center. On one occasion, Santa "dropped in" at Pierce Field. All the good little girls and boys gathered on Saturday, December 15, in 1979 to visit with Santa. His arrival was a surprise, as he stepped out of a helicopter that landed on the field. After several hours, he climbed into the sky for gatherings in other places where expectant children waited for him to hear their requests for gifts that they wanted under their own Christmas tree. In this series of photos, Santa approaches Pierce Field, lands on the baseball diamond, and steps out of the helicopter. No reindeer were sighted pulling the aircraft. |
Early Streetcar | |
Grandview Heights Christmas shoppers enjoyed the commute to and from downtown Columbus using various forms of transportation. Over the years, and at times with the country suffering the effects of the economic depression, the inexpensive trolley ride was a welcomed joy to the season. The Grandview route had streetcars that were constructed with polished wooden seats claimed to provide an especially comfortable ride. With the tracks on the south side of Goodale Boulevard and in the ground up the Broadview Hill and down First Avenue, the trolley swayed and glided along as stops were few to get to the western residential area. Rides cost five cents, and strips of tickets could be purchased for a quarter. The streetcars were driven electrically with trolleys that extended up to overhead wires. There were two-man crews - the motor-man up front and the conductor at the rear. With fewer people with cars the crowds, tired from their Christmas shopping, enjoyed the restful ride home on the trolley, pictured here in the drawing on North High Street, and in the inset photo at Fifth Avenue and Cambridge Blvd.. |
OLV Parish | |
The mood in January, 1945, according to the Grandview Heights High School newspaper 'The Bobcat', was appreciation for those in the service of their country. Boys and girls on leave for the holidays gathered and renewed experiences of past years. Back roving the Grandview hot spots were five of her serving heroes, all home at the same time. Pictured here (left to right) are Lane Benadum, Bob Andrews, Milton Johnson, Jim Renz and Jim Gilchrist. Ribbons that attest to the courage and service of these graduates of GHHS were worn with pride. All were reported to be glad to be home in Grandview for the holidays.The special edition of the school newspaper, called the Service Edition, contained articles that told stories of families with the most members in the service. The Overmeyers topped the list with four sons in the service, and the DeVictors were second with three active in the service and two sons that had received medical discharges. Slogans were scattered throughout the paper, such as "Buy War Stamps" and "Our Bonds today are the return tickets for our boys tomorrow". |
OLV Parish | |
With a history that stretches from 1922 (when the then bishop of the Dioceses of Columbus, James J. Hartley designated a new parish for the Tri-Village area) Our Lady of Victory Catholic Church began paving the way for church services and a school for the area. On October 14, 1923 the original Our Lady of Victory church was dedicated. In August of 1931 a new school was completed, consisting of 10 class rooms and an auditorium/gymnasium. Several changes to the church building have taken place over the years and the school has been moved to the St. Christopher Parish and renamed Trinity School. Growth through these years has demanded changes in church life and activities. The latest and most recent change has been the new Parish Hall/Classroom building, existing Church building renovation, new garage and storage building and additional parking space. With the decision of the parishioners and the Village of Marble Cliff council demolition of the old school and convent house (inset) was approved. A "site plan" was presented for the raising of funds for the project. The campaign committee conducted the successful fundraising campaign called "With a proud Heritage, We Build for Tomorrow". The parish raised monies to fulfill the building of the new Parish Life Center shown here that was dedicated April 9, 2005. |
Marble Cliff Village Hall | |
As 1984 approached in the Village of Marble Cliff, most of the problems, deliberations and basic requirements for building a new administration building had been met. The preliminary design had been approved and the architect was in the process of developing detailed drawings. It was expected that all the work necessary to advertise for construction bids would be completed by April of 1984. The construction stage would follow for the next three to four months. So it was, in 1984, the new Village Hall of Marble Cliff had its open house so that the public and residents could inspect the new facility, share stories, and have refreshments. The new structure replaced the old house at 1318 Fernwood Avenue (inset). The Village Hall contains office space for the mayor and clerk, as well as a Chamber Room for Council meetings and full basement for storage. In 1984 Paul J. Falco was mayor and Frank M. Monaco was president of Village Council. |
John W. Bricker | |
John W. Bricker was born in Mount Sterling in 1893, and graduated from OSU in 1916. After serving in the Army Chaplain Corps in World War I, he returned to OSU for law school. He moved to Grandview, graduating in 1920, and took a job as the city solicitor of Grandview from 1920 to 1928. He became Attorney General of Ohio in 1932, and was elected governor in 1939 and served three terms. He unsuccessfully ran for vice-president on Dewey's ticket in 1944, and served two years in the U.S. Senate from 1947 to 1959. He lived with his wife Harriet Day Bricker and a son Jack in Upper Arlington for 65 years until his death in 1986. He is shown in this photo participating in one of his favorite hobbies, fishing. |
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