This home, originally owned by Theodore Lindenberg was designed by Frank Packard.
Its interior atrium courtyard contains Tiffany designed lighting and hardware. The
Mediterranean style home was purchased in 1941 by Harold Voelker, and was recently
sold to new owners.
To view the Lindenberg-Voelker panoramic house tour, look at the movie at If you don't know how to interact with these movies, or if you
think your browser is not capable of handling QTVR movies, visit the
overview page at QTVR-inst.html.
To view some recent photos of the interior of the house, go to the map below;
in addition, there are a large number of photos at misc.html, and photos of
the home before it was vacated in the list at
(NOTE: The house was the featured house for the 2003 Columbus Decorators'
ShowHouse, sponsored by the Women's Board of Columbus Museum of Art
in cooperation
with the American Society of Interior Designers.
To view photographs of the
house tour on May 17th, click here.)